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Ethnic Minority Communities are in extreme poverty in East London

I recently advised Shazna Rahman*, a Bangladeshi Muslim woman in Newham. She came to seek debt advice from me at Toynbee Hall, a charity in Tower Hamlets that helps communities in poverty. She was wearing full black burkah. This is a piece of clothing covering her body completely. It was not the manifestation of her faith that struck me most, but the reality of her difficult and hard life. Her children were taken away from her by Social Services because she was unfit to look after herself and her children due to a highly traumatised divorce that resulted in a mental breakdown. She moved from Tower Hamlets to Newham into private accommodation. She claimed housing benefit to pay for her rent.  After a few years, she became homeless when her private landlord wanted to rent the property out to a professional couple who would pay more. Newham council put her in temporary accommodation because she was deemed in priority need due to her mental health.

Her personal circumstances made me think about the state of poverty that many ethnic minority residents in Newham, Tower Hamlets and Hackney experience. These boroughs are in the heart of the East End. Ethnic minority residents form a significant proportion of the population in these boroughs. According to Newham Council’s data,  46% of the borough’s population are Asian and 18 % are black - Afro-Caribbean.  In Tower Hamlets, 41% of the borough’s population are of Asian background,  32% of whom are of Bangladeshi origin. In Hackney, the largest ethnic minority group is Afro-Caribbean at 23.1% followed by Asian at 10.5% according to 2011 Consensus.

Shazna’s initial contact with me over a year ago was about her inability to pay £27,000 in loans and credit debts. I was able to support her with a temporary outcome by offering minimum payment to her creditors. But there appears to be an endemic problem in the East End according to research carried out by the Money Advice Service.  I began wondering how prevalent indebtedness was in her borough. Newham has been categorised as the UK capital of indebtedness.  22.7% of its population are in debt. Tower Hamlets has the same level of people in debt as Newham.  Hackney was not far from it - 20.9%.

There is a correlation between ethnic minority communities in these boroughs, and their disproportionate impoverishment in East London. According to the Trust of London, 37% of the population in Newham live in poverty; in Tower Hamlets it is 39%. Hackney’s poverty rate is just below Newham and Tower Hamlets at 36%.  This may be due to gentrification which is higher. Bangladeshi children in Tower Hamlets were highly likely to be deprived. 43% of children in Tower Hamlets live in poverty; the highest rate in the UK. Black African children were identified as being the second most deprived group.  According to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation: 

1 in every 25 residents in Newham are in temporary accommodation and the prime cause of their homelessness is the ending of a private sector tenancy.  Shazna’s reasons of homelessness illustrate the true characteristics of many ethnic minority residents in Newham. She was given notice to quit by her private landlord’s desire to let his property to a non-benefit claimant. In Tower Hamlets, 4 in every 1000 applicants were accepted by the council as homeless.  In Hackney, the figure is slightly higher: 7 in every 1000 application.

Ethnic minority communities in these areas also hit hard by recent welfare reform. Bedroom Tax and benefit cap have reduced income from those who are in receipt of means tested benefits in all the three boroughs. Until 7 November 2016, a couple with children would be capped at £500 per week in London, whilst for single claimants it was £350.  From 7 November, the cap was reduced further for those who live in London to:

- £442.31 a week if you are a couple or have children and live in London
- £296.35 a week if you are a single person and live in London.

In Tower Hamlets, Universal Credit was rolled out in March 2017. Of all local authority tenants who were on universal credit following rollout, 83% were in arrears

From 24 July 2018, everyone who is of working age, and requires welfare benefit support is to claim universal credit in Newham. Data is yet to be analysed as to how communities in the borough have dealt with it. The roll out of the benefit will be extended to Hackney from October 2018. 

Local government budgets have been significantly reduced because of welfare reforms. To maximise local income, council’s in the country introduced policies where the poorest residents were required to contribute towards their council tax bill. In Newham, at least 20% of the council tax bill needs to be paid by working households regardless of whether they can afford to pay.  

It was the fear of not being able to pay her council tax bill that saw Shazna come back to seek advice from me a few months ago because her existing Employment Support Allowance did not cover the cost of paying what Newham council wanted her to pay. As a result she is now in arrears. The fear of the bailiff knocking on her door made her feel anxious and she wanted advice.  According to Money Advice  Trust, Newham Council made the most bailiff referrals in the last 12 months (2016/17) - 55,652. This is 50% of bailiff referrals as a percentage of the total properties according to Money Advice Trust. 

Following the direction of Newham Council, Hackney Council, from April 2018, reduced council tax support from 15 to 17% for its working age households. Individuals who are on Jobseekers Allowance and Employment Support Allowance will find that they need to prioritise between paying for food or the council tax bill. 

In Tower Hamlets residents have been exempted from paying council tax due to  their low income. Individuals who are self-employed, however, are deemed to pay full council tax without means testing their ability to pay for it.  This blanket approach has resulted in several Tower Hamlets residents seeking advice from me. Most of them are ethnic minority Bangladeshis.

Shazna’s experience tells me a great deal about the life of many forgotten minority communities in the East End. Welfare reform and policies are resulting in people  who were already in a precarious financial situation being tipped over the edge. The challenge for someone like Shazna is whether to pay her food or visit her local foodbanks.   Her burka, in my opinion, covers the harsh reality she is living in East London. When she began to feel comfortable speaking about her troubled life to me, after a few advice sessions, she no longer wore the burka.

*Shazna Rahman is not her real name. To protect her identity and privacy I changed her name and slightly changed her factual situation.


  1. Thank you for this informative heart rending article. It is information of this quality that will in the end show just what Neo-Liberal doctrine has done to our society.

    Life just doesn't have to be this way.

    1. I agree. But the question for me is: how can we make the change?

  2. I tell everyone I come into contact with why life does not have to be this. That means pointing out that origins of Neo-Liberalism, who the Neo-Liberal politicians are really working for (corporates etc.) and that money is not a problem for country like ours.

    I use all the video information that is available to back up what I personally say.

    As a member of the Labour Party I use all the same material to inform ordinary members that we must employ the right policies to convince the electorate that big business does not serve our interests and is not relevant to our needs.

    People are the creators of wealth not those that get rich by the produce of those endeavours.

    Ordinary people design, plan, and manufacture everything, all they need is the facility to do it. That is the unemployed can't create wealth.

    The capitalist market system is destroying jobs and the planet, only people themselves can change that.

    I believe most people know instinctively that something is seriously wrong in today's society, the problem for us, is that they just don't know hoe easily we can solve it.

    That naturally will take time and a lot of effort to remedy, but essentially money in the short term will transform a lot of desperate peoples lives. and we have the money, it's just Neo-Liberal politicians that are standing in the way, those are the ones we need to get rid of first, people can do that immediately at the next election and even call for one now.

  3. Nice stuff, it was nice to see this article. It was really appreciable. Thank you so much for sharing such an informative article. homes for sale Bronx NY

  4. Can anyone suggest me best solution for how to get rid of Debt Relief Order. However, I have got some from still I want to get more of the information.


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