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Institute of Money Advisers & Debt Talk

As debt advisers spoke about the challenges faced in the debt advice sector under the contract of Money Advice Services, Ripon Ray shared a new way to learn about the sector after the pandemic.

Nearly 90 debt advisers attended today's Institute  of Money Advisers Group Meeting as Debt Talk was introduced to the agenda. 

Debt advisers accepted a new 'norm' and that is: face to face only learning to meet their regulatory obligation is no longer an option. During such an  occasion,  Ripon Ray introduced Debt Talk podcasts to debt advisers: learn about the debt sector in your own time through podcasts.

Debt Talk was designed to bring experiences of debt clients in the public domain since many of these clients bring a broad range of issues to debt advisers which include mental health, addiction, multiple debts and cost of living - to just name a few things.

Along with Debt Talk, Ripon Ray spoke about a monthly Debt News which would bring snippets of debt related news from a variety of sources from welfare rights, gambling, civil enforcement and the Financial Conduct Authority. 

The purpose is to raise British debt sector to the general public for public interest. This initiative would also bring transparency to the work of debt advice. 

At the same time bring different aspects of the debt sector closer with other related sectors as we encounter a wave of change during the cost of living crisis.

Thank you Institute of Money Advisers to let Ripon Ray speak about Debt Talk and Debt News!



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