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Debt Talk: AI, financial services & debt sector (podcast)

Do you know about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and, most importantly, AI within the financial services and debt sector?

In the Debt Talk podcast, Ripon Ray explored the subject with experts from academia, visionaries and tech gurus as they spoke about the actual workings of AI in the financial services and debt sector.

Prof Carmine Ventre - Director of King's College London Institute for Artificial Intelligence - explained the history of AI, machine learning and the algorithm required to create a tool where AI is weak and strong. He emphasised that AI machines require feeding with information and patterns from humans to complete tasks.

Douglas Silverstone - Director of Southern Housing and tech visionary, looked at the use of AI for social purposes and emphasised the genuine operational and organisational need to establish AI to be successful with the ultimate user in mind.

Rachel Curtis - CEO of Inicio AI, a debt recovery firm that uses AI to complete affordability assessments - explored how AI solves the affordability assessment problem within financial services and debt space to provide consumers with a supportive space based on consumer needs and outcomes.

Maysam Rizvi - founder of Elifinty, a debt management firm and a tech entrepreneur - embarked on developing AI to support debt advisers to focus on the consumer journey within a problem debt space.

This is a must-listen podcast for those considering developing AI within the financial services and debt sectors. The panellists have also provided TOP TIPS to Debt Talk listeners considering moving to AI.

Next podcast: The cost of financial exclusion.


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