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Debt Talk: Consumer duty & the debt sector (podcast)

Introducing Consumer Duty principles by the Financial Conduct Authority resulted in a dramatic shift from treating customers fairly to focusing on customer outcomes, which requires a readjustment of thinking for many regulated firms in Britain. To navigate such an insightful subject on the Debt Talk podcast, Ripon Ray invited distinguished experts from research and consultancy, debt recovery, and the advice sector.

Kathy Ellison from Savanta, a research and consultancy firm, explained how some regulated firms had changed their governance structure, consumer terms and conditions, communications and marketing, and dealing with vulnerable consumers. Savanta's research showed that although many firms have significantly addressed regulatory expectations to benefit consumers, some work is still needed to improve consumer outcomes.

Bob Winnington of the Money Advice Liaison Group emphasised the importance of delivering world-class service. He explained how the group brought different regulated communities within the financial services market together to encourage firms to share best practices in a highly competitive environment.

Alex Pitcher from Step Change emphasised that Consumer Duty enabled them to revisit their consumer advice journey through the organisational process. They had to explore diverse ways of communicating with their clients whilst considering their client profiles and meeting regulated funders' expectations to demonstrate how their mission is aligned with the best outcome for consumers in debt advice.

They also provided TOP TIPS to listeners who require extra support and firms struggling with implementation today. The following podcast is as pressing as the current one. It is on 'Poverty and ethnicity premium'.


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