Thames Water considered a rise of 40% whilst its parent company is on the verge of liquidation. Southern Water requested Ofwat last October to increase its bill to consumers by 66% on top of the rise in inflation. In this month's Debt Talk podcast, Ripon Ray explored 'UK waters & our bills’.
Eugenio Vaccari - Senior Lecturer from Royal Holloway, University of London, who researches sustainable restructuring procedures, explored the legal framework in which Thames Water and its parent company work and the potential challenges faced from the perspective of shareholders, government and sustainability of the water companies for the public interest.
Andrew White - Senior leader for Social Policy of the Consumer Council for Water which represents the interest of consumers in the water sector explained the impact of the rise in cost for vulnerable communities and explained that there is a genuine need to have a social tariff to support struggling consumers. He also explained how important it is to collaborate to raise awareness of the cost of water while there are families with deficit budgets.
My panel members have also provided TOPS TIPS to listeners to drive changes as the general election looks in the UK. My next podcast is on: ‘Leasehold & Charges.’
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